Awareness, Faith in the Journey

Spreading the Word

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Spreading the Word

About a week ago, I had the honor and privilege to address the high school student body at Ft. Worth Country Day School to help spread the word of awareness and acceptance of those with a craniofacial difference.  The students had been required to read the book Wonder, and some of them had researched CCA’s website and wanted someone from the Children’s Craniofacial Association to come and speak about their organization.  They host an annual dodgeball fundraiser and wanted to donate funds raised to CCA.   Representatives of CCA could not make it in the timeframe they needed, so I was presented with this opportunity.  It didn’t take a second thought for me agree to take on this challenge, and put my heart and soul into this speech and to give them a parent’s perspective.  I compiled a slide show that included a little history of Logan’s diagnosis and several pictures of him over the years, showing how he is just an ordinary kid, loving the same things that other kids do.  Within my presentation, I spoke some truths about what it is like for a cranio-kid:  surgeries, hospitals, needles, and pain.  Although the pictures I showed were of all the happy times of him being an ordinary kid, I pointed out that what they didn’t see past all the smiles was the anxiety he has experienced over the years of going to public places, the worry of how many people will point and stare at him this time, or which kid is going to call him a name on the playground at McDonalds.  (true personal experiences – for another blog)
The students were very respectful and attentive, and I couldn’t feel more blessed for this divine experience that fell into my lap (not by accident I may add).  I believe God puts people, situations, and experiences in our lives to teach and strengthen us so that we are able to follow His plan.  I hope God is not finished with me, and I pray that I go where He leads me.

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