Mom, I think of you so often.
I think of you when I see beautiful flowers.
I visualize you sitting out on the porch when I hear the birds singing…oh how you loved listening to the birds.
I am flooded with memories of how you were such a good mom.
I am reminded how you loved me unconditionally, even when I was unlovable.
I hear your laughter when I think of the funny times that we got ourselves into a pickle.
I smell your sweet smell on your beautiful handkerchiefs that I kept after you passed.
I sometimes wear a piece of your vintage jewelry to feel you close to me.
Mom, I loved you so much, love you still.
I loved your gentle spirit, and your patience.
I loved that you could roll with punches like no other.
I loved that you always had a koozie in your purse…just in case.
I loved your devotion to your loved ones.
I loved our girls’ trips, I will treasure them forever.
I loved that you taught me how to not worry about the little things. I needed that more than you know!
Mom, I miss you so much.
I miss our fun times together, as we morphed from daughter – mom, to friends.
I miss days when we would go out for lunch, and “make a day” of it, strolling around shops.
I miss your warm embrace, and your sweet angelic voice.
I miss your fumbled words and belly laughs, especially when we laughed at ourselves.
I miss crocheting with you.
Mom, I’m so glad I was there for you like you were for me.
I’m glad I was able to fix you something to eat or bring you a sack full of your favorite snacks.
I’m thankful I could help take care of you when you couldn’t.
I’m blessed that I was by your side when you took your last breath, and left your earthly body, running into the arms of Jesus.
Mom, your beautiful legacy will forever live on.
To all who are missing their mom on Mother’s Day…may you cherish the sweet memories and find comfort and peace.
Happy Mother’s Day.