Mom, I think of you so often. I think of you when I see beautiful flowers. I visualize you sitting out on the porch when I hear the birds singing…oh how you loved listening to the birds. I am flooded with memories of how you were such a good mom. I am reminded how you… Continue reading Mom, You Left a Beautiful Legacy
Category: Uncategorized
To the Parents Who Aren’t Dropping off their Child at College
Dear Parents, (who aren’t dropping off their high school graduate at college) I lift you up. We are many. We live different dreams for our once littles, now adults. I have many friends who are going through the empty nest syndrome right now...dropping off their seniors at college, turning around, and going home...without them. I… Continue reading To the Parents Who Aren’t Dropping off their Child at College
Before I settled back into the daily routine of life, I took some time to reflect on the past five days of an amazing experience: my family’s first CCA Retreat in St. Louis, MO. I have seen all the Facebook posts and pictures over the past few years of previous retreats, and have really wanted… Continue reading Reflections