Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting

Turning Our Children Over to God = Patience, and Most of All…Trust

....."I suddenly feel an enormous sense of urgency.  Another school year is beginning, and my boys are getting older which means my time with them is now limited.  The countdown is beginning.  Have I taught them right?  Have I skipped over something because I procrastinated, assuming I would always have time?" ....    I absolutely love seeing… Continue reading Turning Our Children Over to God = Patience, and Most of All…Trust

Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting

Special Needs’ Parenting: Don’t let guilt steal your joy

...."I pushed for more until my son finally pushed back." Over the years, I have often wondered if other parents who have a child with a disability constantly battle guilt like I do.  I find that when it comes to setting expectations for my son, it subsequently leads to questioning myself with: "just how much… Continue reading Special Needs’ Parenting: Don’t let guilt steal your joy

Awareness, Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting

You May Have More in Common with These Hands than You Think

  How will you view your scars? Several years ago, my son (born with Apert Syndrome) commented to me about the scars on his hands and feet. He expressed self-consciousness of his hands and feet and the fact that he didn't want people to see them.  When he was born, his hands looked as though… Continue reading You May Have More in Common with These Hands than You Think