Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting

When God Sent a Stranger to Give Me Hope

My husband and I had been married only a year and a half after I gave birth to our first born child, a boy. We had so many hopes and dreams for him until…the moment he was born. The doctors were bewildered with shock with no answers, presenting speculation with a thick medical textbook for… Continue reading When God Sent a Stranger to Give Me Hope

Apert Syndrome, Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting

***It’s Book Launch Day***!

I have anticipated this day for a little over five years, and the time has finally come. Changing Faces - A Journey of Hope and Perseverance, is now available for sale online! Use one of the links below to purchase your copy: Thank you in advance for continuing on… Continue reading ***It’s Book Launch Day***!

Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting

It Takes a Special Dad to Raise a Special Child

It takes a special dad to raise a special child. Sometimes you may feel that you are unnoticed after having a child with a disability, subsequently silencing your pain. I hear you in your silence. Life as you once expected, suddenly spins in a different direction…Dreams and hopes you had for your child change. I… Continue reading It Takes a Special Dad to Raise a Special Child

Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting, Uncategorized

To the Parents Who Aren’t Dropping off their Child at College

Dear Parents, (who aren’t dropping off their high school graduate at college) I lift you up.  We are many.  We live different dreams for our once littles, now adults.  I have many friends who are going through the empty nest syndrome right now...dropping off their seniors at college, turning around, and going home...without them. I… Continue reading To the Parents Who Aren’t Dropping off their Child at College

Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting

HIS Opinion is the One and Only That Matters in Your Journey.

Opinions. Everyone has them. Oh, those emphatic opinions everyone has about politics, dieting, finances, etc. It's too bad we can't create electricity merely from all of the buzz going on the world today. But what about those opinions people have about special needs' parenting? The ones that come from those who do not really understand… Continue reading HIS Opinion is the One and Only That Matters in Your Journey.