Faith in the Journey, Special Needs Parenting

Baby Steps are Marathons

School started, and once again it feels like the race is on.

For some of our children, they begin the race an even farther distance from the starting line.  We worry about them.  We grieve for them, every year.  We don’t want them to feel the gap between them and the world.

They might start way behind the others, but take a moment to look back from where they came.  Have they made even an ounce of progress toward a skill or a goal?  If the answer is yes, then they have finished a marathon.

There are different races out there for people to participate in.  For example, there is a 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon, triathlon, etc.  Many people run each of these races for different reasons.   Yes, some do it for the competition, and some do it for personal time goals.  Some may do it to feel like they have made an accomplishment by simply finishing it.

Try to remember which race your child is in.  And, remind them too, everyone’s race is different.  Be purposefully mindful of the baby steps they have taken to run each marathon.  Not everyone understands this….but you do.  It’s hard, I know.  You feel the pressure as their parent to push them as far as you can so they can make progress.  But, there’s nothing wrong with celebrating those baby steps.

No one understands your child’s race better than you.   Perhaps your baby steps are that your child can finally hold their head up for 20-second intervals, which is such a big deal.   Maybe your son is finally transitioning with only a handful of meltdowns in a day.  Or, what if you are finally able to go to the store and you receive warm smiles rather than winces or rude stares?  Your child could be showing interest in reading finally, even though the words and letters appear to move around on the page.  Maybe, just maybe, you are finally able to pay off that surgery from four years ago.  Whatever the case may be, they’re our marathons.

God knows our marathons.  He will equip you to be the best parent and cheerleader for your child that you can be.

Seek Him when you need strength to keep going.

Ask Him to show you and remind you of where you’ve been, and look back at how far you’ve come.

Seek Him when you feel weary and need rest.

God knows your race, and He is with you and will celebrate each baby step along the way.

The best news is that He is always at the finish line, waiting to congratulate us with open arms.

May God give you strength for another year, another month, another day…another marathon.

You are not alone.

God bless,


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